Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Wobble that Cocoa? Rattle that...? No. 'Shake that Chocolate'

I apologise for only submitting weird music posts at the moment. However, this is absolutely bonkers. I love it. See what 'The Fader' have to say about it then go grab it for free!

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Commander of Tropical..

The 'Tropical' sound has been arriving in different forms over the last couple of years or so. It's great because it seems to really put a smile on everyone's face. It can be fun without sounding tacky or comical. I'm only really just getting into it myself and I certainly don't have enough music yet to curate a 'Tropical' set. For me, there seems to be something quite infectious albeit irritating about steel drums & wood blocks. It's fun and catchy at first, but then it can make you feel a bit nauseous causing you to get sick of the song after a few plays. 

However, this one by the El Guincho sounds really fresh with a pleasing video to accompany. I hope we can continue to enjoy it.

Video for El Guincho's new single "Bombay" from his new album "Pop Negro" (Young Turks 2010).
Filmed by Canada ( 
http://www.lawebdecanada.com ) directed by Nicolas Rodriguez.

Like I said, I'm still finding out more about the 'Tropical' movement but, if you're a fan of El Guincho, I'm sure you'll be keen on 'Fools Gold' (special credit goes out to mrmr, Alys & D-macLennoxx). For those of you on the more 'funky-housey-percussive' flex, try 'Round Table Knights' and particular favourites of mine 'Breach' & 'Doc Daneeka' who are really coming up at the moment.


Monday, 6 September 2010